Build people power and capacity to run effective campaigns and movements to tackle the climate crisis

Find tools, skills, resources for yourself, your group, your campaign and your trainings
Don’t know where to start?

I'm new to climate activism and want to get more involved

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Just formed a group?

We created a new group and want to know how we can help

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Already have a campaign?

We're stable and want to get more strategic

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Train activists?

I'm a trainer looking for new content and tools

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Start from yourself
Learn skills for
taking action

Use these resources to get prepared and learn to connect with others!

SELF-LED COURSES • Get skilled up with our interactive courses! Learn about climate science, how to have climate conversations, or how to recruit others to build a campaign group. Take our Online Skill-ups now.

BOOKS • The Climate Resistance Handbook teaches how to make lasting change. Or read Dare to Question, a journal for reflection as activists.

MOVIES • Deepen your knowledge of the urgency of this issue or about how regular people use direct action to make change. Check out full-length movies or short features.

Work with your group
Learn skills for
building a group

Use these resources to turn your group energy into a campaign!

HOW SOCIAL MOVEMENTS WIN • As a group, learn to build a campaign with the online course Go to the online skill-ups.

BOOK • The Climate Resistance Handbook lays out the steps of how groups build a campaign.

TOOLS AND HANDOUTS • Learn about the pillars of power, designing creative tactics, and much more! Explore organising handouts and resources.

CASE STUDIES • Read stories of how other groups have faced common organising challenges. Read organising story-telling labs.

Make your campaign successful
Learn skills for winning campaigns

Use these resources to make your group work better and more effectively!

ONLINE COURSES • Take these individually or as a group. We've got introductions on topics like Fracking and Divestment to advanced campaigning courses. Take our Online Skill-ups now.

MAKE YOUR MEETINGS AND TRAININGS BETTER • Find strategic tools and activities to lead with your group. Learn skills for media, taking action, arts organizing, power mapping, care and resilience, and much more. View our facilitation tools.

BOOKS • A group that never reflects never grows. So spend time with the Dare to Question journal to reflect on your practice as a group. Or use arts organizing, like the Better World is Paintable guide, to bring art to your actions.

Build outstanding trainings
Learn new training tools for training and facilitating

Use these resources to uncover new training tools!

TRAINING TOOLS • Every tool on our website is tested in multiple continents and environments. See our Training Tools.

SAMPLE TRAINING AGENDAS • Looking to grab a whole workshop agenda? We've got Training Agendas that have traveled the globe.

FACILITATING ONLINE • We've been leading zoom and online webinars for years. If you're leading groups online, definitely check out the book on Leading Groups Online. If you're preparing a session, check out a comprehensive compendium of 90+ online tools: the Online Monster Manual.

Recently Added Resources

New tools to help you fight climate change
Finding Steady Ground
7 behaviors we can use right away to strengthen ourselves, so we can keep taking more and more powerful and strategic actions
Climate impact stations
Give people awareness of the varied climate impacts
3-day Climate 101 workshop
A thorough introduction to climate science, activism, climate impacts, and understanding false and real solutions to the problem
An Online Introduction to Climate Change
A five-hour participatory training on climate science. Easily divided into different sections so you can grab different sections and tools you might want to use for a training.
How to Recruit for an Event
We need to proactively recruit people to join our events and actions. We can’t just depend on emails or social media to recruit for our events. By doing public outreach, we can grow our strength in numbers that will create the impact we need; we get the chance to hone our message by talking to people in-real-time and we get the chance for building long, lasting, personal connections.
Understanding your climate grief and anxiety
You have every right to be fully in climate grief and despair. Feeling ungrounded is a common feeling these days. Let’s take it in. Don’t push it away. Feeling angry, anxious, fearful, means we’re empathetic. These are our natural responses to the loss and devastation produced by the climate crisis. So let’s not harm ourselves by keeping our feelings at bay.