Guided meditation: holding the Earth

Meditation is like a bird with two wings – one is stopping and the other is deep looking. In sitting meditation, we always start with stopping. We stop the mind from ceaseless thinking and wandering by bringing the mind back, first to the breath, and then to the body.

In this guided meditation, a statement is given for the in-breath and another statement is given for the outbreath. Then they are followed by key words to help you focus your mind, so that you can continue to anchor in your breathing as you practice looking deeply. Today’s topic is contemplating our response to the climate crisis.


1.Breathing in, I am aware of my in-breath as it is

Breathing out, I am aware of my outbreath as it is                         

In-breath – Outbreath


2. Breathing in, I am aware of whole my body

Breathing out, I smile tenderly and relax my whole body         

Aware of body – Relaxing body


3.Breathing in, I become aware of my feelings in response to the climate crisis

Breathing out, I embrace my feelings with mindful breathing and stable posture

Aware of my feelings – Embracing


4. Breathing in, I become aware of the collective suffering in response to the climate crisis

Breathing out, I tenderly embrace the collective suffering, including that of the Earth, with mindful   breathing and stable posture

Aware of collective suffering – Embracing


5. Breathing in, I am aware that many animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction

Breathing out, I am aware of the growing threat to human health and safety

Species threatened with extinction – Humans also threatened


6.Breathing in, I look deeply to see how I may have contributed to global crisis in my way of life

Breathing out, I embrace the sorrow and regret for my own harm and the collective harm with my mindful breathing and stable posture.

Individual contribution to the crisis – Embracing sorrow and regrets


7. Breathing in, I recognize how our individual and collective views about the self, person, living beings, and lifespan have brought about discrimination, exploitation and destruction to ourselves and Mother Earth

Breathing out, I ask Mother Earth for deeper understanding and forgiveness

Collective wrong views at its root – understanding and forgiveness


8. Breathing in, I recognize that I am also part of the solution. I can contribute to sustainability and social justice via my practice of mindfulness and compassion in my thoughts, speech and behaviors.

Breathing out, I envision the positive change and concrete steps that I can take in my daily life to manifest this reality

Daily practice as contribution to change – concrete actions


9. Breathing in, I am in touch with the deep love and aspiration to be an Earth Holder for myself and for all children of Mother Earth

Breathing out, I rejoice in the strength and solidarity of the collective awakening happening all over the world

Aspiration as an Earth Holder – Rejoicing in the collective awakening


10. Breathing in, peace is the breathing

Breathing out, joy is the being.

Peace – Joy